Thursday, April 30, 2009

poo hoo

The colonoscopy that never happened. Thank goodness. :-)


  1. Very scary, you dodged a big one or did you miss something even bigger?
    Don Huff

  2. I say, go ahead and do it. When had it done I had the best sleep I've had in years, and never knew what was going on.
    A friend died of colon cancer twelve years ago, at way too young an age. The procedure itself is not that big of a deal, and worth it. Just be sure to set aside some "you" time the night before. You don't want to go out.

  3. How many ways can I read this? Hmmmm. Did the prognosis change? Did the symptom resolve to something else? Something that required a less invasive diagnostic tool? All I know is that my first is scheduled for the 13th and my want is to be saying "Thank goodness" when it is over and I have the results.
    - Orion

  4. The expression on this face made me laugh out loud. xoxo

  5. There are worse things...

  6. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Dude! Do the colonoscopy!

  7. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Eeeewwww! I think you just scared everyone out of their colonoscopy! Yikes.

  8. C Hunter10:28 PM

    It didn't hurt, they found 2 pre-cancerous polyps in me - glad I had it done.

  9. Let me tell you Mr. baronet.......i've been watchin' your blog since my old pal jerke introduced me to ya', & gosh.......your abilitee' has blown me away! your blog is hardly rivaled! Only 1 that i've ever seen! You may enjoy his writings as much as i've enjoyed your illustrations! They are not too terribly different! I have taken 1st dibs on helping Paul w/ his game when the time is right ( or just riding the golf course w/ our hair blowing & clubs in tow....just as fun!)!May we all play a round of golf together when Paul is able! Directions to "The Time Being" as follows! B aby You Might Dig It The Most!

  10. Thank heavens! I'm sure you would have posted the pictures on your blog.

  11. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Get it done! I'vfe had several, and the procedure is not anywhere near as bad as you may imagine. You'll be VERY happy to hear all's well up there.


Thanks for stopping by! :-)
