Sunday, April 09, 2006

Z time


  1. There is something about this image that looks like its holding it'zzz breath...for some reason, thought of someone waiting in a hospital. Maybe I need more coffee.

    Of course, love the line and the composition...

  2. well, it's morning now, i wish it was z time again...

  3. Now is Z time to take Z nap!

  4. Now is Z time to take Z nap!

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    iz z coming or going?

  6. z time is now for all of uz to look back and reflect on the thingz we have done in the pazt. For it iz not for uz to pazz judgement on thoze we know not!

    What the hell iz that I juzt zpewed? Well, at leazt that iz out of my zyztem! I do think there needz to be more wordz with the letter "Z".

  7. Nice one.

    An angel's view. Always watching over sleepy folk!

    Sweet Zs smooch,
    The Tart

  8. Man, you've made everyone put unnecessary z's in their words :(
    That's not cool!

  9. Holy crap! Z-time!?? I JUST had baked Ziti for dinner tonight! How did you know???? This is creeping me out Willie. Quick, what am I craving right this very moment? What's that? Did you just say a Nutter Butter? Man, this is eerie! I'm going to bed. I gotta sleep this one off.

    PS: For the British folks. "Zed's dead baby." ;)

  10. man, is it ever. i am so exhausted!

    i'm feeling sheeeeeepy...

  11. haa! lol well moment i saw his reminded me that indeed.. it is Zzz time for me too! yay! cool illo btw!


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