Tuesday, February 07, 2012

illustration friday -suspense


  1. I like it because it looks simple at the first moment, but you can keep on looking, and then you will detect more details and start thinking about its meaning.

  2. I like this very much. Simple yet effective.

  3. good evening williebaronet not snowing out here but freezing like -20 below zero and can you imagine a couple of weeks earlier it was almost like spring in the air i mean it was cold around 5 celsius but you could sense somethig i don't know and now it's all gone only ice and frozen leaves. but i tell you snowflakes i love and it's so nice to catch them by your tongue. okay of your cutout figures. first thing i notice here is they're dressed in color which is a bit strange but i like that you've stuffed your letters in the bodies and i see these are different letters strange letters like alien letters i mean these are not like yours rather paperletters so these creatures may have come from an other world maybe who knows, right? one from america or just wearing america cos on its body i can see the flag but the words i can't read right now. the other one aproaching from behind i find a bit more interesting and that's cos of his right armpit that's built on a clock and see that is really funny and it's like he's saying hey buddy let's get out of this world these lines are dangerous and willie you know what i gonna make a picture using cut out letters okay this weekend i promise i'll show you! okay i must go now but i tell you again that armpitclock was a real good idea actually without that this picture would have been empty but now i can see they are really waiting to see how your lines gonna end without your letters and on your next picture i'm sure there will be the rocket and through its window they'll see only a fading alian scrawl. i can see the film. can you? why dont you make a film out of it an animation. it would be so great a real scifi the letterhunters could be a fitting title. if you'd like me to i can think of the script too what do you think?
    okay i really have to go now but i'll see you later bye liLi out

  4. okay i posted my lettering portrait on friday and it's kinda so-so to me i don't know too much of that aching tooth it's not that well drawn but yours either and it's like a style right? i mean it just looks good and makes it more interesting. okay bye

  5. so what do you think of my sombrero?

  6. ...so what happened next??????


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