Tuesday, February 21, 2006

At what point does one thing become somthing else?


  1. Strangely I've just put something up about where does one person begin and another end... ;-)

  2. Mystics of all flavors would say that each duality is really a "one thing" and we are also that "one thing" and the becoming dual is like a Necker cube illusion -- a consciousness' act of perceiving "flips" the one into two, and those illusory two "flip" into one or the other.

    So I guess the "when" is "when is a consciousness playing with illusion?" Or sleight-of-hand (and mind) in every moment of becoming.

  3. Must be something in the air about duality today...see my Two'fer Tuesday thingies.

  4. Joke I heard on NPR yesterday: Einstein walks into a bar....or did the bar walk into Einstein? It's all relative.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments. Would love to exchange link with you. :) You are welcome to add me in your link. Love your drawings, so free and stylized!

  6. Aren't you the link collector.

    I've added you. Your turn.

  7. Wow. I found your site through Alina's comments, and I LOVE your line work! Are these published anywhere?

    Anyways. Awesome stuff. I'm going to keep checking back. :)

  8. In a nanosecond... love this one. So many steps.

    Change starts when someone sees the next step.--William Drayton


Thanks for stopping by! :-)
