Monday, August 21, 2006

3 years ago today

August 21, 2003 my mom passed from this life. Everything seems different since then, which is at it should be. And today, I remember all the wonderful gifts and blessings that are mine because of her. I am a lucky man.

This was Mom's view of the back yard, where she loved looking at her roses, and the birds and squirrels. Hope you're watching them now, Mom. Rest in peace. xoxo


  1. Honey, that is a beautiful tribute. I miss your mom too and how special she was to you. I love you very much.

  2. and she, in turn, was lucky to have you as her son.

  3. the loss never goes away. sometimes i can almost hear my father's voice, or feel his garden. the love lives always in who you are. your mom is looking down at you and feeling unlimited love and pride for her talented son. my condolences, willie. this tribute is very special.

  4. loss of a loved one is never easy is it?
    Your mom is lovely with her sweet smile. I see now where you get yours from.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh, I'm so sorry for you loss! Such a beautiful tribute to your mother. You'll be in my thoughts today.

  6. how sweet.. *hugs* and that drawings lovely.

  7. She was a knockout! Gorgeous. Loss is terrible. I lost my son three years ago next month. Three years seems like both a lifetime ago and just yesterday all at the same time.

  8. That was really lovely.

  9. what a beautiful tribute willie! your mom is a beautiful woman!

  10. your mother is surely happy for the view you draw for her.

  11. Dub-ya -

    What a lovely way to honor your mom!

    Such a beautiful woman! How lucky we are here on earth to have the bright light of her in you.

    Thanks for sharing.

  12. That's really special that you honor your mothers memory - I'm sure that it's still very painful to reflect on it.

  13. Dear Willie,
    Your mother was a beautiful woman, very elegant. I've noticed that her smile was the same throughout the years. I bet she was a very loving mom.
    My father died 3 days before my 18th birthday. It was a long, long, very long time ago, but I miss him everyday.
    Just yesterday I was telling my son how his grandfather was a nice person, a very tall man, elegant, friendly and such a good cooker. I told him how much I miss his saturday's waffles with lots of butter and honey.
    I felt so good just by keeping his memory alive, and making his grandson aware of his existence! I felt conforted.
    Your beautiful tribute is the best way to honor your mom's life. Thanks for sharing it with us all.
    Be well.

  14. You have a stunningly beautiful mother, Willie!! I especially love the shot of you dancing together at a wedding ~ she has such a sparkle in her eyes! :)

    I bet she would be proud as punch to know that you had honoured her life in that way, to know how much she means to you.

    You're in my thoughts and prayers,


  15. Very nice tribute Willie. Hats off to you, and especially your mum. I'm not sure what we do or where we go after we pass on...but I'm quite sure that there will be squirrels there. She's got a lot of watching to do. :)

  16. Everything does seem different. Everything is different...
    I just can't put my finger on it...

    3 years... I can't imagine 3 years. It has barely been 4 months.

    I can't see the gifts and blessings... through the tears.

    Thank you for sharing such special memories! Beautiful , timeless photos...

  17. what a beautiful drawing thanks for sharing...

  18. Anonymous10:56 PM

    And what a lucky mom she know she is proudly watching over you.

  19. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Thank you for sharing your memories and pictures with us.

  20. What a lovely woman, and what a loving tribute. Thank you so much for sharing.

  21. Willie,

    Your mother was a beautiful woman who appeared to have realized a wonderful life both here and in your memory.

    Thank you for sharing such a tender tribute to her.


  22. so beautiful! she's always with you, and her spirit comes out in you and in what you do and create.
    j x

  23. she's lovely, I'm sorry for your loss

  24. Thinking of you, Willie. Our memories and love we feel are the stuff that no one can take away from us.

  25. Very nice Willie. Great photos too.

  26. What a moving and lovely post.

  27. Stunning! :) She's with you and always will be. She must be so proud!


  28. Three years! Unbelievable how fast time time has gone. This is a lovely tribute to a woman I met only through a hand-written note but feel, in a tiny way through you, I know.

  29. What a heartfelt and beautiful tribute to your mother...very nicely expressed. You were both very lucky to have eachother.

  30. Now I'm all teary.

    Lovely tribute -- love shining through.

  31. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Wow, Willie. That is an awesome tribute. I miss my mother, too, who passed away 2 1/2 years ago. Sweet simple sketch at the end, too. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  32. she was lovely, Willie.

  33. So sorry to hear about your mum, you must miss her every day. These are gorgeous photo's, she looks full of joy in each one!


  34. willie, shes gorgeous.
    she still is...

  35. I'm certain she is enjoying the view of the backyard, as well as seeing what a great impact her son has had on this blogging artist community.

    Lovely remembrance, my friend.

  36. ...thanks for sharing Willie; sounds like your best friend to the end. I'm sure your mom's helping you out in ways from above, calling you in dreams, in your art...letting you know what a lovable son you are to her still.

    Those who have left me on this earth I still hear their laughter or calling in others; but, it's hard to think about the reality of the situation...makes me sad when I yearn for their hug or to talk to about things.

    You are blessed with the wings of an artist and you have showed the whole world online through your art that your spirit soars...

  37. *hug* your mom is breathtaking. i love the view of her backyard. birds and squirrels make me smile.

  38. What a beautiful tribute to her. Such wonderful pictures and your view of her back yard is fantastic. Very sweet and moving post.

  39. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I know she is smiling at your view of her view.

    Funny, we share the anniversary. I lost my best friend one year ago. I would love to be the person he thought I was.


Thanks for stopping by! :-)
