Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Everybody's pain...

"When I had journeyed half of our life's way, I found myself within a shadowed forest, for I had lost the path that does not stray. 'It is another path you must take,' he answered when he saw my tearfulness, 'if you would leave this savage wilderness...'"

-Dante Alighieri
The Devine Comedy - Inferno


  1. I have to say that I love your drawing style. And this piece seems very timely to me. I suppose thats a good sign - when others find it as personal as you do.

  2. I love that lone black cloud, natch!

    The Tart
    ; *

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I completely relate to this drawing. Except I'm not able to hold it up, everyone's pain has managed to dump itself on my head.

  4. Wicked drawing and excellent quote.
    I'm feeling it.

  5. Anonymous10:19 PM

    very f'ing heavy indeed.

  6. you've captured my sentiments...very powerful.

  7. It is a heavy burden in life when you take on the pain of others...

    Willie, I've felt for some time that you are midpoint in life and searching for a happiness that is eluding you.

    I am sure you must see the devoted fans you have with your blog.

    But on a personal note I think you are trying to find a meaning to your days on this earth.

    Is this too deep a reading for my shallow knowledge of your life?

    Part of the strength of your connection with the readers is your vulnerability and knack for capturing and giving voice to the emotions that others feel as well.

    May your life be filled with the balance,love and fun you give to others so openly.

  8. Everybody's PAIN is getting heavy?
    OR Everybody SPAIN is getting heavy?

    If Spain is getting heavy it's probably from too much paella & tapas.

    You're probably in pain from trying to carry Spain. You might want to switch to a lighter country like Portugal.

    You're welcome.

  9. I always figured Andy was your Virgil.

    Or maybe he's just some guy in robes...

  10. Amen to that. There is no way to isoloate ourselves from the rest of humanity even though it seems the sane thing to do at times. You have to figure that if everyone was carrying their own weight we really shouldn't have so much to bear but I guess we all have times when we need an extra shoulder to lean on. I've just got to believe that when I need someone to carry my pain they'll be able to since I've done my fair share of lugging!

  11. Just want to share that Willie says he has the purpose, just searching the paths...
    Amen to that.
    Your posts give pause to reflect and I think that's why I enjoy your blog so much.

  12. Please, whatever you do, don't drop the bucket. You don't want to let everyone down, do you?

    Let it go, baby, let it go.

  13. Sometimes it's so hard to see through the blur of tears. At those times I often think it's easier to close your eyes tight and feel your way through. Silence the outside and follow your instinct.

  14. Missed this before, glad I came back and discovered it. It's so true...my interpretation of it anyway...sometimes it is hard to not take on everyone else's B.S. as well as our own. It would be so much easier to be an A**hole, and not an empathetic person, wouldn't it?

  15. Great - just a great piece!


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