Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Holy crap!

Somebody done wrote about my blog. You can check it out here: The Blog Reader

Thanks to all of you who visit! You warm my soul. :-)

Below is a sketch I call "free at last."


  1. ; o0

    Famous Willie!

    The Tart

  2. in the land of coincidental promotion, today's your day.

    go to:


    and scroll down to today around 10:30 a.m....

    just spreading the joy (though next time it's best I reread what I write before hitting the unforgiving send button.....)

  3. yay, nice to have your blog blogged :)
    oh and your button piece is well done!
    love it

  4. yay, nice to have your blog blogged :)
    oh and your button piece is well done!
    love it

  5. that's b/c your blog is rockin, duh!

    btw - i love that sketch. as seen from the eyes of the button, instead of from me, in which case i say, "drats! where the eff is my button?" and show off parts i shouldn't.

  6. love the button piece too. so cute. do you have a lost sock one?
    now going to see your fame and fortune...

  7. Congratulations, dear Willie!
    See you on the red carpet soon.

  8. great drawing! I'm going to go and read about your blog now...

  9. awesome, great perspective! and kudos, now i know someone famous! ;)

  10. Anonymous4:47 PM

    This is precisely why I try to avoid things with buttons.

  11. Anonymous6:00 PM

    A ladder fetish, I knew it, that explains quite a bit I think. Tit for tat go here http://www.lostateminor.com/2006/03/

  12. That is hysterical!! I laughed out loud! Nice one.

  13. i'm still laughing ;-)))))
    you made my night !!!
    we want Freedom !!!

  14. I'm addicted to buttons so this button freedom made my day...

  15. Hey! I looked at your BlogReader article and look at all the comments you got! I got only one! Count 'em: ONE! I feel so worthless. You may now comment on mine to make me feel better! :) I'm at: http://www.theblogreader.net/28/didrooglieblogspotcom
    And if you don't I'm coming after you...

  16. It's the big time now for you Willie--well deserved of course!

  17. i dont get this sketch...(Are you the button forcing it way away from conformity hanging from a closed door?)However nice to see the plug on your blog. Very handsome guy you are. who isn't ladder obsessed?

    Thanks for the b-day words...I will be doing everything you mentioned, plus having many margarita's! did you dance when you heard the song?!

  18. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Your freedom awaits you button~your lifetime of fastening garments is over!

  19. from lafayette, eh? of course i knew that. we were told of the great baronet in college. great blog. good to see it get noticed.

  20. Way to go Willie! I'd bake you a cake if I lived closer. (really I would!)

    About the button... I've spent my whole life bleeding over one lost mitten in a snow bank or a button on the floor in the back of the closet, and now you are telling me that it comes down to choice? I feel so misguided, so toyed with, I wonder if all those mittens and buttons were laughing behind my back.

  21. Yeah Willie!!!
    Oh and the button...I hope your cat doesn't eat it:)

  22. What a nice article. Thanks for sharing it!

  23. nice cartoon ,Nice blog

  24. Love it...can't wait to check out what you come up with next!
    XO GND

  25. mhmm how intriguing... i need to think about this...

  26. it's a big, crazy world out there, button....what will you do now (hop a bus to nyc and become a rockette...)?

    and you, famous willie? are you off to disney world? congratulations on your blog, but you were already famous!

  27. You deserve it everyday, but this is a special day for your blog. Congrats!

  28. Hahahaha! Great pic, as always!

    And congratz on your blogospheric fame -- more people need to see your schtuff, and am glad this will help them find you!

  29. Loved the article....
    Nice to be able to put a face to the name now too. Loved your reference to blog neighbours and community....

    *smiles* at the button... so now we know the secret.

  30. oh and I also enjoyed your article. I hit the posty button too quickly again. doh!

  31. congrats Willie!

    and this = :))))))

  32. Hi, Willie. You're very inspiring. I think you've given me an idea or 10...thanks.

  33. Love this. Great idea. Part II: The button needs to run off with the sock!

  34. free at last?!
    what a great concept! haha.


Thanks for stopping by! :-)
