Thursday, March 23, 2006

What's behind door #3?


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Oh, I hope this is not a trick! Such a happy door.
    The words worry me. : (
    I am too chicken to guess. So I will only hope for the best!

  2. Ooooh!
    It's Love!

    It's Death!

    Wrong again?
    I bet it's...

    A fabulous all-expenses-paid trip to the thrumming heart of The Cosmic Mystery!

  3. The exact same thing is printed on the other side of the door.

  4. I hope it is love... love is all we can really hope for!

    If not, I opt for Door #4 with Lisa, she has a good sense of things around here. ; )

    The Tart

    Ps... it that fire flames around the door or hot hot love flames?

  5. Gee! If it was me I would hope there was a huge bowl of pudding and toys! The toys should not be in the bowl of pudding, but off to the side to play with after eating the pudding. Chocolate please! And feathers! Feathers are fun. I would also like there to be lots of laughter and bad jokes. Friends too. Friends would be fun to share the toys and pudding with. I would also like there to be a Slip N' Slide. That would be fun! Maybe an airline pass good for a year's worth of travel ANYWHERE! A free pass to be on Survivor AND The Amazing Race, winning need not be gauranteed. WOW! I thought that would be it but new things keep popping up in my mind!

  6. The Cask of Amontillado.

  7. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Somehow I picture Batman and Robin in a death match with the Joker (no comment on WHO the Joker is). POW! ZAP! ZOWIE! AARRRGH!

    When the door is opened the world will be a sane, safe and peaceful place for all mankind and womankind! The Joker, now thoroughly pummeled beyond recognition, crawdads to Crawford. Yeah, boy!

  8. More chocolate bars I hope.

    Or a man, drawn in pink.

    Or maybe world peas.

    I'd settle for fuzzy socks.

  9. OK, I just wrote "world peas."

    I was thinking of that bumper sticker that says "visualize whirled peas".

    I also like
    "bad spellers of the world, untie!"

  10. Der Spiegel -- so you're the one who's been leaving that bottle of cognac on Poe's grave?

    :: grin ::

  11. speaking of spinning girl, i am reminded of a poster in high school.

    "what the world needs is more taller ants."

    *insert picture of tall ants here*

  12. while on the subject or whilred peas and taller ants, I never understood in high school the debate about youth in asia. Some of my best friends were from Korea.

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

  14. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.


Thanks for stopping by! :-)
